Drumming Exercises for Speed and Precision

Auckland Drum Teacher

Improving your drumming skills can seem like an uphill battle. After all, drumming is a real intense workout – professional drummers elevate their heartbeats up to 190 beats per minute! But, improving doesn’t have to be so challenging, even if it takes a while. There are some simple (though intense!) exercises you can do to boost your speed and precision and become the best drummer possible. At the Music Education Centre – providers of expert drum lessons in Auckland – we’re well-qualified to explain the most useful exercises, below:

  1. Single Stroke Roll – For this exercise, alternate between your right and left hands whilst playing single strokes at a steady pace. Start at the tempo you feel most comfortable with, before increasing the speed as you get better and better! You’ll soon learn how to be precise and efficient with your drumming.
  2. Double Stroke Roll – Taking the single stroke roll a step further, you must play two strokes with each hand in a row to complete the ‘double stroke roll’ exercise. We also recommend gradually increasing the speed here, and be mindful of the spacing between your notes. Precision comes with even spacing.
  3. Flams – For the ‘flams’ exercise, play a soft grace note with one hand and, then, a louder primary stroke with the other hand. This exercise is all about precision – the goal is to learn how to play a grace note and a primary stroke with equal force. At first, it might seem easier said than done, but the key to practice is consistency (and having a good warm-up prior to exercising!).
  4. Moeller Technique – Devised by remarkably skilled 20th-century drum instructor Sanford Moeller, the Moeller Technique is all about visualising your hands as whips! Use a whipping motion with your wrists and fingers to generate faster, more powerful strokes on the drums. Your stick should rebound once it hits the drum, and that’s how you know you’re doing it correctly. This exercise is famed for its ability to improve your speed and control very quickly!

Take your drumming to the next level with drum lessons in Auckland, delivered by the talented music teachers at Music Education Centre. We’re as passionate about music as you are. For more information about our drum lessons in Auckland, contact us today.

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