The drums are a fun instrument to play and master. They are quite complex so we recommend children start one-on-one lessons from the age of seven and a half.

    There are so many benefits to playing the drums.

    Our students often play in bands which creates a sense of achievement and builds self-esteem.

    Parents also find they’re a great outlet for kids with lots of energy. And learning how to play helps to develop self-discipline and improves physical coordination.

    Our students love progressing quickly in their lessons. After just the first lesson most students are able to play a recognisable tune. After the first term, they should be able to drum away to six tunes. And after a year, they’ll be able to drum along to their favourite music tunes.


Our drum teachers are passionate and experienced. They work hard to make drum lessons as fun and enjoyable as possible. We tailor all our drum lessons to match the abilities and requirements of our students.
Our drum lessons usually take place at our centres in Glenfield, Henderson, Ponsonby and Howick.  We also offer drum tuition at some of our partner schools.
We can also help if you want your child to take a drum exam to get an internationally recognised qualification. We offer a relaxed and fully supportive experience for them.
We provide you with regular assessments on how your child is progressing. This includes progress reports twice a year.
We put on regular performances at each of our centres that your child can take part in. Children love this experience and enjoy being able to show off their new skills.


If you are familiar with playing the drums, you will know that it is a rewarding and fun way for children to get involved with music. If you don’t have any knowledge of the drums, your child asking for drum lessons in Auckland or anywhere else in the local area can be a nerve-wracking experience. After all, drums are not exactly discreet instruments.

Drum kits take up a lot of space, they are not cheap, and they are loud. At least, these are the misconceptions that many parents have when their child asks if they can learn to play the drums.

Let us explain what we mean by misconceptions as drums are loud and big, and they can be expensive. They don’t have to be any of these things, though. There are things you can do to reduce noise levels so your child can practice without causing a disturbance to anyone else in the house – or further afield. Plus, drums don’t have to be expensive.

In terms of size, you will need a space that is about 2.5m2 – there isn’t much we can do about this one.

The best thing to do if your child wants to learn the drums is to speak to us here at The Music Education Centre. We offer drum lessons throughout Auckland, including in West Auckland, with qualified and passionate teachers who will provide excellent tuition to your child. We can also give you advice on how you can make the experience as enjoyable for both you and your child as possible.

Some of the things that we recommend include:

  • Make playing the drums as fun as possible, even when your child is practicing between drum lessons. You don’t want your child to start feeling that playing the drums is a chore.
  • Be as encouraging as possible, but don’t be pushy. Let your child’s drum teacher be the one to stress the importance of practice. This can then be backed up by encouragement from you.
  • In terms of how often your child should practice, it is much better to practice every day for a short period of time rather than trying to cram everything into a single practice session.



We run one-on-one lessons every term and you only need to commit on a month-by-month basis at our Music Centres, and by term for Music In Schools lessons.

Book a call with us to find out if the drums are right for you or your child.


As Auckland’s largest independent specialist music lesson provider, our lessons are always in demand. Whether you are ready to take the next step and book lessons with us straight away, or would like more information about our expert tuition and great teachers, or perhaps even want some advice on the best instrument for you – fill in the form below and book a call so we can have a chat and find the best way to help you with your musical needs. We have lessons for all ages, all levels, with diverse range of instruments available all across Auckland, so get in touch TODAY.