Always dreamed of being a musician but don’t know which instrument is right for you? Don’t worry – the Music Education Centre can help. With over 40 years of helping budding musicians make the best start for their musical future, our team of experts can help guide you to making the right choice from any of the 14 instruments we offer.
Our extensive experience means we can identify the best ways to make your first experience learning an instrument fun, and educational. By taking musical tastes, age, and goals into consideration, we can guide you towards a musical future. And remember, many instruments can be a great stepping stone to other instruments, and when you enrol with the Music Education Centre we can help advise you the best time to switch to learning something new.
Book a call with us to find out which instrument is right for you and how to hire an instrument through our industry partners!
As Auckland’s largest independent specialist music lesson provider, our lessons are always in demand. Whether you are ready to take the next step and book lessons with us straight away, or would like more information about our expert tuition and great teachers, or perhaps even want some advice on the best instrument for you – fill in the form below and book a call so we can have a chat and find the best way to help you with your musical needs. We have lessons for all ages, all levels, with diverse range of instruments available all across Auckland, so get in touch TODAY.