The violin is one of the most challenging but rewarding instruments to play.

    Learning to play this instrument takes a certain level of maturity and development. That’s why we recommend children start one-on-one lessons from the age of 7-and-a-half onwards.

    Our students benefit in so many ways from learning to play the violin

    A recent study found that even one year’s worth of musical training positively affects memory and attention span.

    Experts agree that musical training improves: reading skills, language processing, speech, and a variety of brain functions.

    The feedback we get from parents definitely backs this up!

    Not only do parents say they see the improvements in their children academically but the benefits of playing the violin are also social. Children play their instruments with others and they even put on shows at home for friends and family which really boosts their confidence. We also find that our young students gain self-discipline from repeated practice.

    Learning to play the violin can also build self-reliance, self-esteem and self-awareness – qualities which make our students well-liked and well-adjusted.


We’re a leading provider of violin lessons in Northshore and all over Auckland. Our teachers are all skilled and experienced. And they are passionate about the violin and helping others learn this wonderful instrument.
We offer violin tuition in a number of primary and intermediate schools throughout Auckland. We also have four centres where we offer one-on-one tuition in Glenfield, Henderson, and Howick.
We can also help if you want your child to take a violin exam to get an internationally recognised qualification. We offer a relaxed and fully supportive experience for them.
We provide you with regular assessments on how your child is progressing. This includes progress reports twice a year.
We put on regular recitals at each of our centres that your child can take part in. Children love this experience and enjoy being able to show off their new skills.


You’ve booked your child in for violin lessons in our Auckland music school – that’s a great first step to help your child on their journey with music. You will now probably want to make sure your child gets as much from the experience of learning the violin as possible.

The following tips will help. They come from our teachers who have extensive experience giving violin lessons to children of varying ages in Auckland.

Tip 1 – We’re always here if you need advice.

At The Music Education Centre, we believe that teaching your child an instrument is a partnership between parent and teacher. As a result, your child’s teacher – and the rest of our staff – are here to help if you need support or have any questions. Please don’t hesitate to ask.

Tip 2 – You don’t have to buy a violin straight away.

Your child doesn’t need their own violin right away, and they certainly don’t need a brand-new violin. You can rent a violin in the early stages as your child gets started with their violin lessons. This will keep initial costs down, it will help you budget, and it will let your child mature into the instrument before you decide to make a bigger purchase.

Tip 3 – Listen to the violin.

If you are not familiar with the violin, it can be a huge help if you spend some time listening to the instrument being played. You can do this by listening to a range of music genres, from classical music to rock and pop. You can then help your child spot violins being played in the music they are listening to, and it will give you a better appreciation of what they are playing for you.

Tip 4 – Make sure your child has space to practice.

Practicing between lessons is an important part of learning the violin. This doesn’t mean there needs to be arguments and shouting matches – positive encouragement is much more effective. One thing you can do that will be very helpful is to make sure your child has a good space to practice. This means somewhere where they have enough room and won’t be told to keep the noise down.


We run one-on-one lessons every term and you only need to commit on a month-by-month basis at our Music Centres, and by term for Music In Schools lessons.

We can also provide recommendations on where to hire a violin if you want to try it out before you commit.

Book a call with us to find out if the violin is right for you or your child.


As Auckland’s largest independent specialist music lesson provider, our lessons are always in demand. Whether you are ready to take the next step and book lessons with us straight away, or would like more information about our expert tuition and great teachers, or perhaps even want some advice on the best instrument for you – fill in the form below and book a call so we can have a chat and find the best way to help you with your musical needs. We have lessons for all ages, all levels, with diverse range of instruments available all across Auckland, so get in touch TODAY.