Key Lessons: How Learning Piano Transforms Your Singing Technique

Key Lessons: How Learning Piano Transforms Your Singing Technique

If you’re looking to improve your singing technique, there are several things you can try.

From proper vocal warm-ups and cool-downs to practising pitch accuracy, there are multiple ways you can learn to sing better.

However, if you’re looking to truly transform your singing technique one of the best choices you can make is to learn to play the piano.

Here, you can learn more about the benefits of learning piano, and how it can turn you from a good singer into a great one.

The benefits of learning piano as a singer

Learning the piano can have a significant impact on your singing skills.

For effective vocal growth, singing along to a song with the aid of a piano is much more effective than just singing along to the song on its own.

This is because playing the piano while singing can strengthen your ear, helping you stay on key and figure out trickier vocal parts.

Another benefit of learning the piano as a singer is in helping you communicate with other musicians. Solo singers can often feel intimidated when talking about music with other vocalists or musicians, but by learning a few simple scales on the piano, you can get a better idea of a song’s rhythm, tempo, tone and feel.

If you’re in a band or are looking to form one, learning the piano will give you more confidence when talking with your bandmates.

Pianos are also a great tool for practising exercises and warming up your voice at home. With a few simple lessons, you’ll be able to find your way around a piano, making these workouts much easier.

Learn piano at the Music Education Centre

Music Education is the perfect option for piano lessons in Auckland.

For more than 40 years, we have trained countless musicians in a number of instruments including the piano.

We offer specialist lessons for children as young as 3 and a half, as well as one-on-one lessons for children over 7, as well as teens and adults.

To find out more about piano lessons in Auckland as well as the many other classes we offer, contact us today.

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